Ten videos about journalism and citizenship, and their code of ethics. But what are ETHICS? Why are they important? Who should obey them? In a world where egregiously bad reporting is growing at every level, will Citizen Journalists (Is there such a thing?) do any better? The future of news looks dark unless we gain a full understanding of how the purpose, principles, and practices of the craft of journalism are easily fouled.
Media Nipple suggests there is no such thing as Citizen Journalism. Why? Journalism is not a profession; it is a craft. There are no rules and regulations, and no governing body for journalistic practice. But there are, codes of ethics, as there are for citizenship.
While Citizenship and Journalism are not mutually exclusive, they are also not mutually inclusive. One does not beget the other. If you are a citizen doing journalism as sketched below... then you are a Journalist... period. If you are a human attempting journalism, you MAY be performing acts of citizenship... maybe not. It is incorrect to imply citizen journalism encompasses everything other than SALARIED news and information production. Likewise, simply sending CNN a pic from your cell-phone does not make you a citizen journalist. Nor is journalism simply yammering on a public blog... like this one.
So then, what are the ETHICS of journalism? Click the video links below to see how established ethical notions are ignored, stretched, and manipulated in everyday broadcast production:
(From: Elements of Journalism)
1. Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth.
2. Its first loyalty is to citizens.
3. Its essence is a discipline of verification.
4. Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover.
5. It must serve as an independent monitor of power.
6. It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise.
7. It must strive to make the significance interesting and relevant.
8. It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional.
9. Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience.
Whenever engaging in discussions over citizen journalism... it is best to begin by defining the terms.
Consider visual literacy and grow better media communication.