Twelve videos. Can network TV be used for education? Certainly, there are examples of excellent educational TV -- but, are the Muppets any different than: ABC Kids, or Comcast, or Disney, to name only a few. What and how, exactly, does TV teach our children?
What kind of education does network TV actually provide? Since network television’s main purpose is to promote consumption via entertainment, will it create classroom content for kids any differently than for adults? Do educational products simply encourage another kind of insidious TV consumption?
Watch TV advertisements for student programing... and ask yourself: Is this what children really need? Will CNN “student” news be any different than an American Express ad? Do books today balance our desires for TV education and consumption. Do our schools work? How do we educate our children? And HOW do consumer practices dictate WHO gets to educate them?
Consider visual literacy and grow better media communication.