Thirteen videos that discuss how governments are radically profiling all citizens. Today even technological strip searches are routine. What are they looking for? Maybe it's our civil liberties.
Travelers already need to prove image identity with driver licenses and passports. Our names are already screened for ethnicity. Our bags are scanned and hand-checked. Our shoes must be removed and our bodies are “sniffed” with mechanical smellers. Our fingernail clippers are taken away, and our toiletry fluids are confiscated. What is possibly left to discover? Feeling naked? Don't worry, some women DO receive full security in times of war - just not on Google.
Of course, big business has always wanted all our secrets. But, now governments want to keep records of everything we do, well beyond airline seating preferences and meal choices. We provide everything they want whether we know it or not. And still, these are not enough. Yes, governments also want to see us naked… and they want to keep this information on record for 40 years.
Privacy is a thing of the past. Still don’t believe? Ask your employer?
Is homeland security a joke today? If so, why? Who make these policies?
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