Unimaginative use of ubiquitous eye logo neither inspirational or aspirational.

Overall exclusion of decorative color palette suggests bland generic food packaging.

Loose kerning communicates inexperience.

Uneven spacing creates confusion; conveys indecision.

Text formatting invokes congenial subservience; indentation = indenture.

San-serif type is friendlier than serif but typographic weight reads bloated and weak. 

Italics convey movement, speed, boldness; but set alone suggests hyperactivity.

Awkwardly condensed typography restricts interaction; stupefies.

Obscure “below the fold” newspaper reference.

Mixed case reduces power in relation to Cultural Farming brand.

Extant TV image screened at 70% grayscale conveys nostalgia, patriotism, militarism.

Gratuitous coffee stain communicates

The Cutest Kitten Ever


Link implies shameless plea for funding; conveys transnational media hypercorporation.

Grainy narcissistic avatar suggests autodidactic, misanthropic flaneur pitifully emasculated between continents.

Color shift co-opts big smart words.

Separation intones masculinity, superiority.

Crude shadow creates harsh contrast in today’s LED world.

Weather and stock market links omitted.

A BOOK?  Really, a book?  You’ve got to be kidding.  OMG!